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Considering using Pool Monopoly.  Does anyone here use them?  What’s been your experience?

I’m talking with them now and will provide honest feedback when the time is right.  Initially, the phone conversation went very well.  Once I got the onboarding info it's not really what I expected and is set up more for a brand new company, which we are not.  Maybe something was lost in translation so I’ll hold off on actual feedback until I get a response and a call is set up.  There do seem to be some add on things like a separate phone line that I will not be getting since we have a business line already in place.  Keep in mind any company will charge you a rate plus any ad spends on Google and Facebook.    


Again I’ll be very honest, we have used 3 different marketing companies so far and none have delivered so my guard is up.  We also have most things like Google ads/Facebook ads already in place so they have work to deliver an increase for us.  Advice is to track by month the number of accounts you add to compare your before and after marketing numbers.  When someone calls ask how did you hear about us and track that as well.  You need to be able to figure out in real life and not on some data sheet they provide that you're gaining more accounts.  Ask questions lots of them and back them up with data.   


The final conversation was today, we both decided not to move forward and I’m expecting a refund for the initial territory/set up.  Think they knew I was going to be a bit much to handle but I expect when I pay for something its handed off and handled.  Being burnt by other marketers didn’t help my apprehension to move forward.  I’ve had the same level of success adding accounts with Google setting up my Google ads and paying for them to run (much cheaper than any company) as I have with any marketing company.  Google ads and reviews will be your best money spent for growth.  


I am told that for their proven system to work I had to also sign up for a phone service provider they recommend (at an additional cost).  Being I have had RingCentral as our phone system for over a year and we also use Message Desk for invoice sends I had no desire to add yet another phone line that would confuse customers.  I can’t elaborate on how this ties in but I was assured that this is the only way their proven method works as well as it does.  I am unsure of how a certain company phone line generates more leads, that is beyond me and I’ll leave that one alone.  On top of the monthly fee, we were now adding a phone line and then paying for ads to run.  Very costly setup overall which will drive down ROI in a hurry.  The overall cost will likely outweigh the benefit in my opinion.


They had no desire to integrate their stuff as a one-off with my phone system, even though I was fine just having them bypass that part and just do my digital.  They didn’t want to do that and I understand because in either case, I would have held them accountable for generating leads and they knew that up front.  I simply wanted a company to take my digital marketing to the next level or more so Google ads since that has been the only real successful growth strategy for us.  I think that I misunderstood the initial conversation where I thought I was handing off our already-in-place digital and they were going to handle it.  That was not the case and while I’ll take the blame for not asking enough questions or proper understanding my wife was there with me and said she understood it the same as I did so there’s that.  That’s what I thought I was asking and what I was paying for.  My mindset was here it's all set up now tweak it and make it work better….not the case.      


At no point was the conversation bad or head in a wrong direction, they were always very nice even when frustrated.  I have nothing bad to say about them but will not be my choice moving forward.  I feel we can spend less money and continue as we have with Google which has netted us about 10-15 accounts per month as is.  I was just hoping for a more hands-off approach and more growth so I’ll keep looking for that.   


The final outcome would be I cannot say one way or another if they are good or if you should use them if I’m to be completely honest.  They would be great for a new company with almost no marketing in place, they have an entire infrastructure for what they do just not for existing.  They may fit a lot of other's needs and be great, I hope to hear some of those stories.  For some of us, I think they charge a lot more than other companies as is without adding more cost into the mix and it wouldn’t benefit some of us.  As always do your homework this was just my experience and I can not say at any point it was a bad experience.  It just didn’t work out for my company and we did not move forward with them.  I have a local friend who also looked into them and decided it was a no for him as well.  He is using another company and adding 25-plus accounts a month in the fall which is amazing.  I’m interested in looking into them as well as those results are crazy!!      

@Tru-Blue Pool Service

Hey Josh,

I actually heard about this whole experience from Logan directly. This was quite a confusing experience for us as we have never had that confusion before with over 100+ clients. We did fully refund you as no services were provided.


We also have a dozen of companies over 500+ accounts and a few over 2,000+ accounts, so we do work with quite large companies. I appreciate you stating that we didn’t treat you poorly at any time, and I’m glad my staff did a good job handling this.


We have a good system that works and sadly we don’t deviate from it for that reason or make certain customizations unless it is a large enterprise client (They also pay quite a bit more than our standard retainer rate for this).


Overall, I appreciate you commenting on this and I am happy you felt you were treated fairly by my company :)



I grew from 0-160 accounts in 18 months. 95% of my growth I credit to Ryan at pool monopoly. 

Call me on my cell to discuss if you want. 



Brandon Tryon 

Started with Pool Monopoly about a year ago and its been great. We went from 100 to about 250 weekly route pools this year. We also started doing liners this season and have done close to 100 in our first season through Ryans Ads. Great company and very responsive. The ads have been the secret to keeping consistent leads coming in the door so that our team can focus on fulfillment. 

We started working with them a few weeks ago. Can report back in a month

I started with Pool Monopoly in the Spring and went from 85 accounts to 150 accounts in four months.  Could have been more but I was struggling to hire more people.  Next spring I’ll hire ahead and put the pedal to the metal.   They have a great, turnkey program.  Creative - Done, Pipeline - Done, Google setup - Done.  They know the market and got my cost of acquisition below budget.  If you a) answer the phone (it will ring) and b) follow the pipeline management you will do great.  Keep in mind, they can’t do it all.  If you don’t answer the calls your odds go down dramatically.  Within 5 minutes your chances are half, by 15 minutes your done.  They will get you leads, you gotta close them!  So make sure you have the bandwidth to follow up.   If you do...its a no brainer.  Good luck!  Btw, if you work in the Phoenix market, disregard, these guys suck😀

Great comments and conversation. Am considering looking into them as well. Thank you all for the comments!

It's great to see all the positive reviews, can we see some from members who didn’t just join this week and only have one reply and its in this thread?  Surely someone who’s a contributing member of this forum has some feedback.  That is what this forum was build for so let's see some of those members give some input.  I gave my input and I didn’t blast or say anything bad other than just wasn’t for my company.  We have others coming out of the woodwork who just joined this community this week and never posted or contributed to this community other than on this post.  That is what we call a red flag on other forums and I’ve been a part of and also a moderator/co-owner of other forums (not pool service).  


Again this forum was built for pool companies to help each other out and that’s all my intentions were and are in every post made.  This wasn’t a smear campaign on Pool Monopoly by all means sign up and share your results.  I’ll promise to share mine (a different company) with the community as well.  It’ll be a separate thread and this is the last time I’ll post in this one so we don’t muddy it up and get into some other type of nonsense.    


All the best to Pool Monopoly and to anyone who uses their service.    

Would like to see some detail on the cost for companies that had an experience with Pool Monopoly.  What was your CAC including the advertising cost, management fee to Pool Monopoly, the cost of Go High Level and any give away in the advertising.  How many accounts did you average per month?  How long did it take to start seeing results?
