Hello, looking for suggestions for commercial auto insurance. Who do you use and are you happy with their rates, support and claims?
I use Billy Henrich, he is and aggregator so he can shop around for you and point you to the one that best suits your needs.
My experience leads me to believe that insurance is a highly regional business and asking for an insurance broker who may or may not be in your market will not help. I have a good broker for Southern CA….
Silly me for thinking this forum would be different from FB or Reddit and may have helpful comments from industry professionals.
We use Farm Bureau and get really good rates. Check to see if you have a local agent and reach out to them.
We’re in Tampa, FL and currently using BiBerk for all of our commercial insurance policies including auto.
I’ve actually been using Progressive for my biz in Southern California. I think I originally reached out to BiBerk. They quoted me something crazy like $1500 a month for me (30) and my tech (20). Went to Geico and got quoted $550 monthly. Progressive got it down to $255. Ironically, Geico was cheaper for general liability. I also use NEXT insurance through QBO for workers comp.
I use a local broker here in NorCal. Have all of my policies through them and they’re great to deal with. I can get updated Acords within an hour if requested during normal business hours.
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