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We launched Groups in The Pool Deck to connect members with other entrepreneurs in their surrounding community to discuss topics related to owning a pool service business specific to their region. So, it's time to gather our group members, make introductions, and start having discussions to share learnings, collaborate on new ideas, and solve some challenges.


If you have already joined your regional group, respond to the meet-up post in your group forum to save your seat and join this industry brain trust's initial gathering. 

If you haven’t joined your regional group yet, connect now so you don’t miss this opportunity to expand your local network – click here to check out the current groups.


Virtual Meet-Up Dates

  • Arizona on Monday, February 3rd @ 2 - 3:15 PM MST

  • Northeast on Tuesday, February 4th @ 2 - 3:15 EST

  • Florida on Wednesday, February 5th @ 3 - 4:15 EST

  • Nevada on Thursday, February 6th @ @ - 3:15 PST

  • Midwest on Friday, February 7th @ 2 - 3:15 CST

  • Northern California on Wednesday, February 12 @ 2 - 3:15 PST

  • Texas on Thursday, February 13 @ 3 - 4:15 CST

  • Southern California on Thursday, February 13 @ 3 - 4:15 PST

PS—If there isn’t a meet-up in your region, we invite you to join the group closest to you.


Discussion topics will be prioritized by the group but will include a mix of:

  • Marketing strategy
  • Employee engagement
  • Customer experience 
  • Pricing
  • Operational efficiencies
  • Skimmer optimization

In my experience, these discussions always provide so much value, so I hope you can make the time to join the conversation and connect with more members of The Pool Deck.

We aim to keep these discussions going regularly to stay connected and active throughout the year!


💡 The Pool Deck Community Tip: Ensure you have email notifications enabled to stay connected when there’s a new post in your regional group. 


Manage notifications in your My account settings
Customize your email notifications to make sure you don’t miss out



Im from Georgia, which one do you recomend

@andrevies in the future, we plan to have a Southeast regional group, and in the meantime, we invite you to join the Florida group meeting on February 5th. Let me know if you’re interested and I can forward you the invite 😀

I enjoyed the Florida meet up yesterday. I was happy to be a part of it ​@Justine ! Thanks for hosting it.

@Chlorine King it was fantastic to see you and the rest of the group..look forward to seeing y’all for our next quarterly installment in May!

It was great. Very good insight from other owners in the state. Looking forward to May ​@Justine 
