This is our first time dealing with plodded pools after a storm. What are your best tips and recommended steps to effectively clean up flooded pools and ensure they are safe for swimming?
Is the flooding due to rainwater, groundwater, or seawater, and what else ended up in the pool? Given our proximity to the ocean, our main issues involve a lot of rain and debris, such as sand, mulch, and tree debris, and here is a quick outline of our process:
- Determine damage: Check the equipment and immediate pool area. Clear these areas first to ensure it is safe to proceed. Inspect the pool water to determine what else is in it, such as gas, chemicals, raw sewage, or dead animals. Wear your PPE.
- Check the pool: Carefully remove as much physical debris as possible (branches, leaves, furniture, etc.) and clean the skimmer and pump baskets. If the pool was inundated with surface water, start pumping that out now (see before/after photo below).
- Start the pump: The equipment is the first step to correcting the pool's condition by starting circulation and filtration. Backwash or clean filters as needed.
- Baseline tests: Perform a quick water test for TDS and pH. If TDS exceeds 7500, you must consider diluting as time allows (DO NOT DRAIN THE POOL).
- Brush: Brush the pool to dislodge anything growing and clinging to the sides or bottom.
- Start treating: Lower the pH to 7.2 - 7.4 and raise the Free Chlorine (FC) level to 20-30 ppm with non-stabilized chlorine. If the water is green or brown, add phosphate remover and, optionally, enzymes.
- Clean: As the water clears, vacuum the remaining debris with vac-to-waste if you think you’ll overwhelm the pool filter or the TDS is high. Add clean makeup water as necessary to maintain proper water level.
- Check balance and clean: Here, you’ll perform your regular set of tests and plan out the remainder of the treatment. You’ll probably need to raise the alkalinity and calcium levels (not at the same time) or add salt.

Thank you Rob! - We are in Crystal River where the storm surge flooded out the pools. I have not had opportunity to see the pools myself but I can guess its filled with sand, mulch, tree debris, etc. I will be appling your process to get these pools back up and running. I truly appreciate the help!
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