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Given all the posts and ongoing discussions about pricing, I wanted to share the updated version of Skimmer’s Service Rate Index. This will let you quickly check how your prices compare to others within your region so you can continue to make informed decisions about running your business. 


This interactive Index will show you the minimum, maximum, and median prices by state, region, and pricing model (per stop, per month, plus chems, and including chems). It is a solid benchmarking tool built from 12 months of anonymous platform data through to June ‘24 aggregated from the activity of over 27,000 Skimmer users who have logged over 253 million dosages and readings, completed over 62 million route stops, and serviced over 700,000 pools monthly.



 For additional analysis of the Service Rate Index data on market variations, check out this article and interview with Skimmer’s very own @nikiacosta @jacknelsonatx in Pool Magazine™️.




This is the pooldude,

When it comes to pricing you as a business need to determine your worth no matter where in the country you are providing service. Of course you need to be competitive but you can also be creative in what you offer your customers. I would warn all of you that it is dangerous for any profession to race to be the lowest most ineffectively priced company and it will catch up to you in shorting services making customers suffer in the long run. 

Great information to have. Especially like the drill down feature and seeing the temperature of rate hikes as well. 
