Watch the video or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.
Tiers: Scaling Up, Owning the Market
Before You Start:
- There are two sections to set up – one for readings that enable LSI calculation, and one for dosing recommendations.
- If you signed up with Skimmer before July 2024 this screen will start out with certain pre-populated settings.
- If you signed up after July 2024 it will start with different settings.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Go to Settings > Readings & Dosages and click Activate LSI Calculator.
2. Readings to Calculate LSI for Skimmer accounts created after July 2024:
- Six key readings are required, and those are pre-set for you.
- For example, to connect Water Temp or pH to a different reading category, click the dropdown and select something else manually.
- For all six required readings, there is no Do Not Use option. If you want to calculate LSI, all six readings are required.
- Borates and Free Chlorine are optional and are not required for LSI.
3. Readings to Calculate LSI for Skimmer account created before July 2024:
- The required readings will not be automatically mapped.
- Click to open the dropdown and select the corresponding reading, or to create a new reading.
4. Chemicals for Dosing Results for Skimmer accounts created after July 2024:
- Dosages will be set up and pre-mapped.
- For chemicals you do not use, click the dropdown box and select Do Not Use.
- After mapping a dosage to the appropriate chemical, confirm the unit of measurement.
- Why? In case we’re mapping to your own custom dosage category with a different unit of measurement. This ensures that, whatever we’re using, we can set this up to match it and get accurate dosage recommendations.
- To change a measurement setting, click the scale icon to enter the new UOM and click Continue.
5. Chemicals for Doing Results for Skimmer accounts created before July 2024:
- Chemicals will be set to Do Not Use by default.
- To map a chemical to the proper chemical dosage category, click and select from the dropdown.
- You only need to map for the chemicals you use and want dosing recommendations for.
- Confirm the number of ounces in the chemical’s unit of measurement.
- If you want to map to something we don’t have yet, we can ask Skimmer to create that new category.
- The new dosage will appear on the main Readings & Dosages page.
- You will need to set a cost and price per unit after completing the LSI activation process.
6. Scroll to the bottom and click Activate.
7. On the Readings & Dosages settings page, you will see "LSI" noted next to any reading/dosage mapped to the LSI calculator.
- In order to maintain the integrity of all the calculations, readings and dosages associated with the LSI Integration cannot be deleted (unless the integration is deactivated).
Last updated on October 11, 2024