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Our goal for The Pool Deck is to make this your one-stop shop for everything you need to help you run and grow your business. And a key part of this expanding knowledge hub is supporting you on your journey to becoming a Skimmer power user to get the most value from your subscription.


So, to help you quickly find the answers to your Skimmer questions, we have added all of the videos and how-to articles from our Help Center into the community.

You can access the Skimmer Help Center from the mega-nav, and the available resources are organized by functionality to make it easier for you to find what you need. 



These resources will also appear as options in your search results based on your keywords. Each article will have "Skimmer Help Center" in the title to differentiate the content from other post options and help you choose the best resource link for your search.




Check out this article to learn more about using The Pool Deck’s universal search function.


💡The Pool Deck Community Tip - ​​​​​​ To help onboard your new hires with Skimmer training, share this link to the Service Technicians Skimmer App Tutorials:

Visit Now


If you have any feedback on how we can continue to improve this new help center, let us know below ⬇️



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